The Colossus of Rhodes is the first boss of God of War II. He appears as a DLC Minion in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.
The Colossus was the first boss in God of War II, brought to life by Zeus (in the form of an Eagle) in an attempt to destroy Kratos. The King of the Gods drained nearly all of Kratos' power and gave it to the statue to animate it, and it immediately broke free of its moorings and strode into the city. As Kratos fought his way through the city, the Colossus attempted to destroy him, but Kratos fought back several times, stabbing out the statue's right eye, slashing its cheeks, and cutting off it's left hand. Upon draining his powers into the Blade of Olympus, Kratos then blasted a hole in the Colossus' side and attacked it from within. When completely drained of its power, the Colossus began to collapse, and Kratos escaped through the mouth onto a platform. Ironically, the Colossus achieved its purpose only in its dying moments; its falling hand crushed Kratos, weakening him enough for Zeus to kill him with the Blade of Olympus.
Connection with All-Stars[]
He appears as a Downloadable Minion that can be purchased for $0.49. However you can also buy him in a small pack of $1.99 or along with all the other minions for the price of $4.99.