Gravity Rush, known in Japan as Gravity Daze (グラヴィティデイズ/重力的眩暈:上層への帰還において彼女の内宇宙に生じた摂動?) is an action role-playing video game developed for the PlayStation Vita.
Series Description[]
The game is set in the fictitious, floating town of Hekseville. The story begins showing the player character, a girl called Kat, who has lost her memory. She then runs into a mysterious black cat that gives her the power to control gravity. Kat will use this ability in order to protect people from the threat of a gravity storm and the Nevi monsters that have appeared along with it.
- Gravity Rush - 2012 (PSVita)
- Gravity Rush: Remastered - 2016 (PS4)
- Gravity Rush 2 - 2017 (PS4)
Guest Appearances[]
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational - 2012 (PS3/PSVita)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)
- LittleBigPlanet PSVita (PSVita)
- LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS3/PS4)
- Ragnarok Oddysey Ace (PS3/PSVita)
Connection with All-Stars[]
- Kat & Dusty are playable via DLC. [1]
- A DLC stage was based upon Gravity Rush, however, it was scrapped for unexplained reasons.
- Gade appears in Kat's Arcade Mode
- Raven, Syd, Yunica, Alias, and a Nevi are downloadable Minions.
- Icon 1: Alias
- Icon 2: Kat(artwork)
- Icon 3: Kat(screenshot from a cutscene)
- Icon 4: Kat(The Dark Cat)
- Icon 5: Kat(Maid Outfit)
- Icon 6: Raven(artwork)
- Icon 7: Syd(artwork)
- Icon 8: Aki
- Icon 9: Raven(cutscene)
- Icon 10: Syd(cutscene)
- Icon 11: Kat(artwork Maid outfit)
- Icon 12: Kat(concept art of her sitting on her Pipe House)
- Icon 13: Kat(Sea Cat Outfit)
- Icon 14: Dusty
- Icon 15: Kat(The Dark Cat artwork)
- Icon 16: Kat(artwork 2)
- Gravity Rush was initially a PlayStation 3 title called Gravité.[2] As a result of this, the AI and controls were slightly simplified. Despite this, the games' director, Keiichiro Toyama feels that the Vita is the best platform for the game, noting the Vita's easy accessibility.[3] Regardless of this, it was remastered for the PlayStation 4 and there are no plans to release the sequel on Vita.
- Gravity Rush and God of War are both tied with the most represention of Minions, being a total of 5 for both.