The Holoflux Armor is an unlockable costume for Ratchet & Clank in PSASBR. It's his default armor in Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time.
Holoflux Armor was armor that used holographic armor technology. Ratchet started A Crack in Time with this armor. It offered basic protection, and therefore had a minimal damage reduction. The suit circulates nanotech based on the wearer's physiological signature, therefore resulting in increased protection from whatever is attacking.
- Default: Black pants and grey armor with light blue glowing pads.
- Black pants and grey armor with green glowing pads. (Ectoflux Armor)
- Dark green pants and purple armor and brown helmet with orange glowing pads (Thermaflux Armor).
- Blue pants and black/blue armor with yellow glowing pads (Alister Azimuth's armor and Praetorian OmniWrench color scheme).