PlayStation All-Stars Wiki
The Rise of Mecha Tooth
Sweet Tooth in his car
Used by Sweet Tooth
Super Level Lvl3
Type Sadfghj

"Taste the Tooth!"

— Sweet Tooth

Mecha Tooth (a.k.a. Sweet-Bot) is a giant mech built using parts from Sweet Tooth's trademark ice cream truck.


Connection with All-Stars[]

Sweet-Bot appears during Sweet Tooth's Level 3 Super. It supports a large gatling gun for a right hand, can simply stomp on opponents, or shoot missiles from it's shoulders.


  • Jump - Btn cross
  • Machine gun (Aimable with Left Stick/D-Pads) - Btn square or Btn r2 or Btn r Sweet Tooth unleashes his mech's minigun on enemies, capable of aiming up or down.
  • Stomp - Btn circle Mecha Tooth slams its foot into the ground, killing any enemies under it.
  • Missles (above) - Btn triangle Missiles shoot out from Mecha Tooth's shoulders, killing any enemies above it.


The Rise of Mecha Tooth is based on Sweet Tooth's Sweet-Bot transformation from Twisted Metal: Black and Twisted Metal (2012). The Sweet Tooth truck transforms into a large robotic clown, and is used against the other Twisted Metal competitors. He first uses this transformation in a battle against the Iron Maiden.


  • The Sweet-Bot that is depicted in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, interestingly, is modeled after its original design in the newest Twisted Metal game; the Sweet Bot in the actual game is much different.
    • However, Mecha Tooth does get a machine gun on its right arm in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, and on its left arm in Twisted Metal (2012).
  • Sweet Tooth is one of five characters with the capacity to kill a single opponent up to three times during his Level 3, the others being Sackboy, Evil Cole, Nariko, and Emmett.
  • Mecha Tooth also appears in War of the Monsters.
  • The music plays in Sweet Tooth's Level 3 Super is "Twisted Metal Theme" from Twisted Metal (2012).
    • Also the same song was remixed for the Twisted Metal invasion for the Columbia stage.


Level1 Big Daddy: Little Sister Gather · Cole MacGrath: Human Bullet · Colonel Radec: StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Launcher · Dante: Rebellion Triple · Emmett Graves: Rift Shot · Evil Cole MacGrath: Human Bullet · Fat Princess: Feed me Cake! · Heihachi Mishima: Lightning Hammer · Isaac Clarke: Strategic Shot · Jak and Daxter: Precursor Legacy · Kat and Dusty: Gravity Crush · Kratos: Divine Fury · Nariko: Twing-Twang · Nathan Drake: Propane Tank · PaRappa: Romantic Karate · Raiden: Stormbringer · Ratchet & Clank: RYNO V · Sackboy: Costume Clash · Sir Daniel Fortesque: Lightning Bolt · Sly Cooper: Unstoppable Ally · Spike: Monkey Net · Sweet Tooth: TNT Tag · Toro Inoue: Kuro is so mean >.< · Zeus: Lightning Clap

Level2 Big Daddy: Frenzy · Cole MacGrath: Ionic Freeze · Colonel Radec: StA5X Arc Cannon · Dante: Stinger · Emmett Graves: Rift Bomb · Evil Cole MacGrath: Ionic Drain · Fat Princess: Ride the Chicken! · Heihachi Mishima: Kuma Tag Team! · Isaac Clarke: Kinesis Burst · Jak and Daxter: Dark Jak's Dark Bomb · Kat and Dusty: Gravity Typhoon · Kratos: Divine Reckoning · Nariko: Dawn Siege · Nathan Drake: Stone Pillar · PaRappa: Skater Boy · Raiden: Blade Mode · Ratchet & Clank: Clank Goes Commando · Sackboy: Coal Catastrophe · Sir Daniel Fortesque: Golden Chalice · Sly Cooper: Flying Raccoon · Spike: Sword Frenzy · Sweet Tooth: Death by Missile · Toro Inoue: Toro makes a wish o_O · Zeus: Ultimate Storm

Level3 Big Daddy: Flood · Cole MacGrath: Electric Tornado · Colonel Radec: StA-X6 Jetpack · Dante: Devil Trigger Unleashed · Emmett Graves: The Hawk · Evil Cole MacGrath: The Beast Awakens! · Fat Princess: Protect the Princess! · Heihachi Mishima: Rockets Away! · Isaac Clarke: Dead Space · Jak and Daxter: Light Jak · Kat and Dusty: Gravity Panther · Kratos: Rage of the Gods · Nariko: The Goddess · Nathan Drake: El Dorado Sarcophagus · PaRappa: Doom Box ft. PaRappa!!! · Raiden: The Box Revengeance! · Ratchet & Clank: Flight of the Aphelion · Sackboy: Prize Bubble Bonus · Sir Daniel Fortesque: Anubis Stone · Sly Cooper: Recon Sly and His Targets · Spike: Super Laser Cannon · Sweet Tooth: The Rise of Mecha Tooth · Toro Inoue: Toro's dream comes true ^o^ · Zeus: Wrath of Zeus
